Theory English


The data of the existing theory far as the Heliocentric model

The diameters

  • of the Earth is 12.742 km
  • of the Moon is  3.474 km
  • of the Sun is 1.391.016 km


  • The Earth-diameter was completed 4 x as large as the Moon diameter. Calculation: 12.742km : 3474km = 3,6678     
  • The Sun-diameter was completed 109 x as large as the Earth diameter. Calculation: 1.391.016 : 12.742 = 109,17
  • Sun diameter was completed 400 x as large as the Moon-diameter.  Calculation: 1.391.016 : 3.474= 400.4076

It is generally assumed:

  • The Sun is in the center of our solar system
  • The Earth, The Moon, planets, stars, comets etc. revolve around the Sun, at least in our solar system,
  • The Earth is a planet
  • Earth, Moon, planets and their possible moons are illuminated by the sun
  • The Earth rotate at a speed of 1670km around its axis, at least at the equator. This happens in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, so almost in a day. At the poles themselves, there is almost no rotation,  24 times slower as a clock. A clock turns around one time in one hour. Nobody seems to feel the difference.
  • Earth circumference  is 40.075km.
  • Lunar eclipses would occur because the Earth is between the Sun and Moon
  • Solar eclipses would occur because the Moon is between the Sun and Earth 


  • Theoretical distance Sun-Earth 149.600.000km. 149.600.000:12.742(diam. Earth)= 11.740,7 Earth-diameters, so that is 11.740,7 earth balls. Rounded 11.740 earth balls
  • Distance Earth-Moon= 384.000km: 12.742km (diam. Earth) = 30.14 Earth-diameters, so that is 30,14 earth balls, Rounded 30 earth balls.
  • This data can be used to make  a scale model. This can be very useful when you compare this, with the existing schematics. p.a. of a Solar eclipse.


  • The Earth is a globe and therefore has a curve, behind which you cannot look
  • This can be calculated with the Earth Curve Calculator
  • On the other side of the earth, people are the other way around, seen from where you are. They hang, as it were, whith  their heads down and stick to the Earth, seen from the point when you stand upright on Earth, at least from your own experience.
  • Due to the gravitational pull of the Earth (Gravity) everything stays in place, both the water of the seas and lakes, people, animals, houses and garbage cans etc.
  • Due to the attraction of the Moon there are tides, ebb and flow. Strangely enough only at the seas and not at lakes, canals and/or rivers. What is that about?

About the Theory:

  • This is broadly the theory that everyone learns at school, from books, the internet or otherwise.
  • Almost nobody seems to doubt that, since we have been told at school, by MEDIA, NASA, Science and by our parents from birth, who also heard it from their parents from birth.
  • Almost nobody seems to be doing scientific research as the whether this is indeed allright, at least in the Mainstream Media we hear nothing about it.
  • Are there Real Scientist who claim that the existing theory is wrong? Register here please and/or tell your story.
  • People who tell a different story than the current one, are not heard, concealed and/or ridiculed in the Media but WHITHOUT any demonstrable arguments and/or without solid facts.


  • The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but the Earth would rotate from west to east. How did people come up with the idea in the past, when there were no “spaceships and people could not get of the Earth” and what was the scientific proof of this?
  • There are still few doubts about whether the Earth is a globe or not, flat and/or square, hollow or otherwise. Why do they doubt it?
  • There have been investigations as to whether the Earth actually turns, such as the Michelson-Morly expirement, which showed that the Earth does not show any movement at all. Why has nothing been done with the knowledge gained? 
  • Has anyone ever felt and/or seen the rotation of the Earth? What is the solid proof of the rotation? Okay…            Dr. Augusto Picard saw the Earth from a height of 23 km, He said: “it seems a flat disc with upturned edge” you can ask of course: did he see it well? 
  • If it is different when we are taught, then practically everything is exactly the opposite as is claimed.
  • Science is investigating and collecting evidence by means of facts, numbers, calculations, clear and logical thinking and visual material. Checking and double checking, so solid evidence.
  • The most importing topics are discussed here and are all approached scientifically and numerically, in addition to visual material. 
  • If calculation errors are made, a substantiated report is appreciated.

General information:

  • Our eyes can not see everything.
  • Our camera’s can see many times more than our eyes. In addition observations can be recorded on photo and/or  film.
  • Some spiders only see up to 10 cm. and than only light and dark.
  • Some birds of prey can see 300 times better and/or sharper than humans.
  • Clouds are close to the Earth’s surface. Both Sun and Moon cannot simply shine through, but then disappear entirely or partially behind these clouds, partly depending on the thickness and density of these clouds.

Some facts in the theory:

  • The stars rise and set till they rise again. We are told that this cycle lasts exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4,0905 sec. and 8 miliseconds
  • The Earth rotates on its axes also in 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4,0905 sec. and 8 miliseconds
  • The star day therefore has the same time as the axis rotation of the Earth
  • The starry sky is therefore the correct reference point for determining the duration of the day
  • We are told: The Sun takes about 3 minuntes and 56 seconds  longer than the stars over this cycle, its orbit goes from the east from March 21 to 23 September more and more southerly back to March 21.
  • We are told: The Moon takes about 50 minutes longer than the stars over that cycle.
  • We are told: The Sun and the Moon therefore remain resp. about 4 minutes and 50 minutes behond the stars, so resp. 4 and 50 minutes later than an official day..

The Stars are therefore the reference point for determining the Earth’s rotation and determining the duration of the day, because they should be further away


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